Sunday, July 31, 2016

29 July - Rest day for Doreen's Knee; Hanscom BX, Commissary; Campground Pictures

29 July

Today we spent getting caught up around the RV but primarily giving Doreen's knee a break from walking, stairs, etc.  She has had quite a bit of problems with it and had a cortisone shot before we left, but it is getting quite a workout on this trip.  Stairs are the worst, but just extended walking in general aggrivates it.  So today we rest a bit.

We did make it into Hanscom Air Force Base Exchange (BX) and the Commissary (grocery store) which is next door to the BX.  We also headed into the local suburbs so Doreen could get her hair trimmed.  

For some strange reason we got pretty busy quickly after landing here and I did not get campground pictures taken until recently.  Here are a few:
The road coming into the campground.  Hanscom's Fam Camp is located off-base which makes access easier.  We still see regular patrols by not only the Air Force security forces but also the local PD.

The main office, where the camp host checked us in. 
Behind the check-in building is large screened-in patio area (social area) with a large screen TV, microwave, tables, chairs etc.  Many of the campers gather here daily for coffee.  Many of the tent campers eat and watch TV in here.  I use it (am sitting here now) because the Wi-Fi is strong and there are multiple power outlets to plug in devices.

Inside the social area.  One of the tent campers is checking his eye lids for leaks while watching TV.  My laptop setup on the left
A central campfire area with all the firewood provided.  There is usually a gathering here each night.  Camp fires are prohibited everywhere except here.
Shaded camp sites for smaller rigs and tents.

Another shaded area.  The camp host lives here.

Laundry / shower building and one of several picnic tents with multiple barbecue grills 

Basketball court.  Bicycles are all available for use, no charge.
A view of one of the camp sites with Hanscom AFB in the background (we are on the opposite side of the airfield)

Pull-through campsites on the right in the "big rig" area.  All 50 amp + water + sewer.  Very flat, but no shade.

Our RV on an end spot.  Plenty of room for the truck.

A view from the rear of our RV.  Notice lack of the flag pole.   Repair parts are in Maine waiting for us to get there Monday.  Yeah!
Tomorrow we drive to the train again and head into Boston to see the sights.

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