Thursday, July 14, 2016

12-13 July - Lechners, National Purple Heart Hall of Honor, New Windsor Cantonment Area

12 July
Today we received a call from a guy that I served with while on active duty at Loring Air Force Base.  George and Anne-Marie Lechner live near Highland NY, about an hour north of the campgrounds and we have stayed in touch for the last 42 years.  They wanted to come down and visit, and then go out to eat.  It was great to see them and get caught up on their family.  George and Anne-Marie were there at the same time Michelle was born, in fact Anne-Marie was a pediatric nurse and was the first female other than Doreen to hold Michelle after she was brought home.   We talked all afternoon and then headed into a small town near West Point for dinner.  We made plans to get together later in the week.  One of the places we wanted to see not far from their house is the site of the Woodstock Music Festival on 15-18 Aug 1969. 
Anne-Marie and Doreen

The Gang from Loring

Ed and George
13 July
Most of the morning was spend doing some RV preventive maintenance while Doreen worked inside.  When we were at the Jayco factory and I had the opportunity to talk with their lead service technician, he gave me some maintenance tips for our slide-outs.  One was using Lemon Pledge on the rubber gaskets and seals around the slides!  I also cleaned the slides and waxed the surfaces that touch the gaskets.

In the afternoon we traveled back north to New Windsor NY and visited the National Purple Heart Hall of Honor.  It was closed previously when we stopped.  Pays tribute to the recipients of the Purple Heart who were wounded or lost their lives in defense of our Country.  

Beautiful stained glass window in the museum

There is a large hall with photos, firsthand accounts and displays such as the only known Military Badge of Merit, the predecessor to the Purple Heart medal, presented by George Washington to his Soldiers at this site. 

They have computers here to look up names of Purple Heart recipients.  I looked up my dad and found him listed.  USMC Platoon Sergeant Lowell E. Schellhase was wounded in action fighting the Japanese on Saipan, Marianas Islands in the South Pacific on 27 June 1944.  Also wounded on the same days was is brother, my uncle Bernard Schellhase.  Interesting fact they were both evacuated to the hospital ship USS Thuban for treatment and both were awarded the Purple Heart.  As the story goes, neither knew the other had been wounded or was on the ship and they found themselves nearly side by side there. 

Also located at the National Purple Heart Hall of Honor is the New Windsor Cantonment area, the last post of George Washington’s Continental Army during the Revolutionary War.  This is where approximately 8000 soldiers, artisans and their families endured the winter of 1782-1783, anticipating returning to the battlefield.  Many of the buildings have been reconstructed and contain artifacts from the era.  
One of the reconstructed buildings

Oven within the fireplace

Reenactors helped us better understand the lives of those who stayed here in the final days of our first war.  One young lady explained the tools and apothecary items used to treat injury and illness.  
She was very knowledgeable.

The chemicals and compounds they used to treat to soldiers

Surgery tools
 Another young man taught us about using the musket and actually fired it for us.  Many artillery pieces were displayed. 

As with many of the places we have visited, we have a lot of pictures we are not posting, but some very interesting sites.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting facts about Grandpa! Very neat to see the history
