Sunday, July 24, 2016

23 July - Visiting Gary Schwandt, Nobska and Wings Neck Lighthouses, Storns

23 July
Today we drove towards  Cape Cod to visit Gray Schwandt, Doreen's cousin.

The traffic was horrific and it took us 4-1/2 hours to drive what should have taken just an hour.  Much of it was a dead stop or just a crawl.  Gary said this was because of all the people coming to the Cape from Boston on the weekend.  Arg!

Nobska Lighthouse
So we finally got through the traffic and down to the Nobska Lighthouse.  Again, another privately owned lighthouse that is inaccessible, but still nice to visit and view from a distance.
The original lighthouse was built in 1828.  
The current lighthouse was built in 1876 along with the brick keepers house.  The lighthouse is cast iron lined with brick and was built in four sections and transported here from Chelsea MA
After leaving the lighthouse we went to Doreen's cousin's house and visited with him for a while.  He lives closer to Boston and owns this summer house in Cohasset MA.

Gary took us out in his boat and we cruised past another lighthouse , the Wings Neck Lighthouse.  Also privately owned.

Sailing boats in the distance

A race 

Great day in the boat

Beautiful homes on the coast.  

Houses up on stilts

Gary's son's house is the fourth from the left

Doreen, Gary and Sherri
When we got back to the RV, a freak storm camp up all of a sudden.  The National Weather Service said wind gusts topped 60 mph.  Before I could get outside, The wind snapped my flagpole from our RV and blew it over the cliff.  I have a couple plastic parts to replace so the damage could have been worse.
If only I could have gotten there sooner!

The flag pole over the side of the cliff

I climbed the cliff from the beach below to retrieve the pole

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