Thursday, July 14, 2016

14 July Fort Montgomery

14 July
This morning we visited the remains of the Revolutionary War fortifications at Fort Montgomery, which is just a bit south of West Point near the bridge that we cross to get to the train station.  In October 1777 roughly 700 American Soldiers made a historic stand against about 2100 British troops.  Two forts here, Fort Clinton and Fort Montgomery were lost and structures burned, but the brave Americans disrupted the British plans to control the Hudson River.  
Cannons overlooking the Hudson River.  Historic ship battles occurred right here.

The bridge we take to the train station shown in the background.

The ruins of the forts and many artifacts have been recovered and are displayed in their museum which we toured.  

Various weapons and artifacts recovered

Showed  Fort Clinton and Fort Montgomery, and the relationship to the Hudson River.

We followed trails to the various archaeological remains such as barracks, powder magazines, batteries (gun emplacements), etc.  
Remains of a barracks

Officers quarters and commissary

At many of these historical sites they have re-enactors that are dressed in attire of the times and they not only describe aspects of the period but demonstrate as well.  There was a group of students here today. 

Doreen says I enlisted with this guy.  Ha Ha ha!

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