Tuesday, July 19, 2016

17-18 July - Brotherhood Winery

17 July
After our late night at Woodstock followed by a full day attending the Yankees game, we decided to take a day off.  We went shopping to replenish the pantry and then do some laundry here at the park.  It is really nice to have the days built in that we can see what we want to see and take days off when we want.  Very relaxing!

18 July
Monday we drove about 30 minutes west to the Brotherhood Winery.  It is the oldest winery in the United States.  The tour starts in the sales area, then you proceed to the original building dating back to 1839. 

From there we winded through underground storage facilities and ended up back in the main building. 
The original building

Some of the original tools used in the wine making process

Presses to crush the grapes

Original light fixtures from 1839 - back then they used candles in them.

These fixtures came from Grand Central Station 

Doreen in front of one of the original huge casks

A special section behind locked gate houses the original owners wine selection

Champagne fermenting in the bottles.  That is an interesting process, different than wine making

The old casks no longer used

Wine in Brotherhood casks

We then sampled 10 different wines and ended up buying a case of 12, two bottles of each of six different wines to bring back with us. 

After the Winery tour we stopped by for a "little" new York style pizza.  Holy cow we can eat on this for a week!!

On the way home the skys were looking pretty bad.  We got back to the RV and not more than got back in the RV and the skys let go – torrential rain and then poof, no power. 

Later in the evening we gathered with two other couples, both military retirees of course, and shared a couple bottles with them.  One guy was an Army helicopter pilot from Vietnam and the other guy was a retired Air Force Lt Col and flew B-52’s over Vietnam.  Very interesting stories they had. The Army guy and his wife are from California, and the Air Force guy and his wife are from Texas.  Both have HUGE diesel pushers and have been doing this for quite a while.  The Air Force guy said he is on his fifth coach. After about seven hours the power came back on so we returned to the RV and watched some of the Republican National Convention.

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