Thursday, May 26, 2016

26 May - Camp Atterbury Museum, POW Chapel and PX

26 May
More on Camp Atterbury.

We started the day by visiting the Post Exchange (PX).  It's basically a "shop-ette" with the essentials that most Soldiers would need here and a good selection of Army military clothing.  We then visited the POW Chapel.  Camp Atterbury hosted World war II prisoners of war from the European theatre.  Some Italians built a chapel in 1942-1943 and it was refurbished a couple different times since.

It is closed in but the front is glass and you can see the paintings and alter inside.  Incredible!

This stone was also carved by Italian POW's and is visible driving down the road before you turn into the main gate.

Then we toured the outside museum which features various artillery pieces, tanks and other military vehicles.
The units and their history here

Many displays

Last time I saw one of these was at the Wisconsin Dells!

"These engines are the fastest in any tanks in the European Theater of Operations, forwards or backwards. You see, man, we like to feel we can get out of trouble, quicker than we got into it." Oddball, Kelly's Heroes

We stopped by the visitor center and museum but hit them at lunchtime and they were closed.  We will go back there tomorrow.

Back to the USO Club this evening to use Wi-Fi and post this blog entry.  This is sure a nice benefit for the Soldiers coming through here.

We had a nasty storm move through this afternoon with some rain and wind, but luckily nothing like Kansas and Oklahoma are seeing.  The forecast is warm temps and scattered showers each day until we leave.  

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