Sunday, May 22, 2016

22 May - Packing it up at Camp Carlson

22 May
Today we took care of housekeeping chores around the RV.  Doreen knocked out several loads of laundry, cleaned inside and started to pack up in preparation for our relatively short trip tomorrow from Camp Carlson KY to Camp Atterbury IN.  We are headed for 39.354805, -086.026858  I have found using GPS coordinates rather than street addresses is much more reliable.  I have an app or link that makes finding GPS coordinates pretty easy and the GPS nav system in our truck accepts these coordinates easily.

The weather finally straightened out.  Figures, now that we are bugging out!  It started out foggy, probably due to all the moisture from the rain we've had.  Then it quickly warmed up and it was sunny all day.

So, back to packing up.  We are getting the tear down and the set-up down to a science.  We will have 29 opportunities to perfect this during our journey!   The day or evening before we leave we usually pull up the outside mats, squirt them off with the hose and dry them before stowing them.  The barbecue grill is torn down and stowed, The two outside tables are put away.  Tire covers are removed.  If not done already, I usually clean the bugs off the front cap of the RV and wash the truck.

The morning of departure Doreen takes care of the final tasks inside while I am working outside.  We dump and rinse the gray and black tanks, tear down and pack the satellite dish, tripod and coax cable, stow the lawn chairs, clean off the tops of the slides, retract the TV antenna, remove and stow the flag pole, retract the slides and load the RV back onto the truck by retracting the levelers.  That all sounds like a mess, but it is really not all the bad.

One last trip into town because Doreen wanted a Dairy Queen Royal Oreo Blizzard :-)

We would definitely stay here again if our travels brought us to the Louisville KY area.  Other than the Wi-Fi/Internet and Verizon connectivity challenges, this place was great.  Very friendly folks, well-maintained and nicely equipped campgrounds and CHEAP!

Hope everyone is having a great spring.  Next report will be from Camp Atterbury IN, just south of Indy!

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