Tuesday, May 10, 2016

10 May - Final Day at Mermet - Dives and Superman!

Final day at Mermet.  Two dives (will discuss below) then we visited the town just south of Mermet called Metropolis IL.  Now that may sound familiar to you, especially if you read Superman comics as that is Superman's home town!  The significance of that to Doreen and I is the actor who played Superman in the Superman movie came from Norwalk IA!  His name is Brandon Routh. So we felt compelled to visit Metropolis.  
I think when the clock hits 5pm they roll up the sidewalks in Metropolis!

The large statue in downtown Metropolis

Superman and Superwoman!  She has tolerated me for over 42 years so she is definitely Superwoman!!
Superman museum and gift shop
The Daily Planet newspaper
The infamous phone booth where Superman changed clothes.  Simulated pay phone.
Corner shot of the museum
Scuba Dives:
Got two dives in again today.  With the exception of another instructor and a rescue diver student, we owned the place.  My lead diver (my hired dive buddy) today was Tish from Paducah.  The first dive was an entry in the rain (does not rain below the surface) and a wall dive with hopes of seeing some spoon billed catfish.  The recent rain really had the water visibility obscured and we had maybe three foot visibility max.  Nice wall dive, but no fishies.  Tish ran short of air and her dry suit sprang a leak, so we surfaced on the opposite side of the lake and did a surface swim for a ways and then finished up diving on in shallow to the exit.

On the second dive we revisited the fire truck, ambulance, and several other sites and then followed the line back to one of the training platforms where we fed some fish and then exited the lake. 
Some pictures during dive 2:
Physio Control LifePak Defibrillator in the ambulance

Tish getting ready to shock me back into reality!

Front of the ambulance

Fire plug with supply line to the fire engine

Non-illuminated picture of the fire plug

Helm of a boat
Front of a GMC pickup

Tomorrow morning we will pack up and head towards Pennyrile Forest State Resort Park south of Dawson Springs KY.  I must give a shout out to Glen, the owner of Mermet Springs.  Glen is a retired State Trooper and has a first class operation here.  We were treated like royalty from the time we pulled up to the gate to the time we departed.  His dive operation is reasonably priced and both Glen and his staff will bend over backwards to make sure you are taken care of. It was a real bonus being able to camp right here too.  In addition to the Mermet Springs staff, I am very thankful for Doreen as she sits on the sidelines as I dive.  Well, so long Mermet Springs. We are both looking forward to a return trip!


  1. Must've been great to get back into the water! How was Metropolis? How come Nana's not coming out of the phone booth in a cape? Doesn't she know someone who sews capes?!? LOL

  2. Love!! Sounds like your having a great time!!
