Monday, September 5, 2016

4 Sep - Cleveland Indians Game with Ernie Reid

4 Sep
While Doreen was working around the RV this morning I headed for the local car wash and grocery store.  The truck needed a bath and we needed a few grocery items since we will have a guest with us tonight.  Ernie Reid served with me on active duty at Loring Air Force Base and is driving up from near Columbus OH to attend a Cleveland Indians game.

Ernie arrived around 1:30 hrs and about 2:00 we headed for Cleveland.  On the way Doreen caught a glimpse of one of the lighthouses we attempted to see yesterday, the Vermilion Lighthouse.  Unfortunately the picture was taken while on the move and is very blurry.

We arrived and parked in one of the local lots, and after a short walk we arrived at Progressive Field, home of the Cleveland Indians.  This is our 8th  Major League ballpark to visit this summer.

The Indians are of particular interest to me as my father played minor league baseball for the Cleveland Indians Class "D" farm team prior to World War II breaking out.  From what I understand, Class "D" is similar to the current day "AAA" team, just under the Majors.  Pearl Harbor was bombed, he and his brother joined the Marine Corps, and except for pitching a few games for the Marine Corps, that was the end of his baseball career.  He started playing in Urbana Iowa and was an all star high school left-handed pitcher, hence the nickname "Lefty".

He played on several Midwest teams including the Cedar Rapids Raiders, the Superior (WI) Blues, and finally the Appleton (WI) Papermakers, the Indians farm team.  Who knows what would have happened if his baseball career had not been derailed by World War II!!  Well, Ernie surprised me with a really nice Indians jersey with "Lefty" on the back!  I wore it with pride!

We processed the line to get into Progressive Field and while waiting I sneeked over and took a couple pictures of a memorial for one of the Indian's greats and Iowa native Bob Feller.

We were also treated with the aerobatics of the Navy's Blue Angels performing overhead.  I was not quick enough on the draw to snap a picture of the diamond formation that came right over the field.

Well, we had a great time at the "ol' ball game".  Fantastic weather and great seats.
Feller's number retired.

Progressive Field is very nice, modern and  clean.

Cheers, Lefty.  Having a cold one for you!

Our Colors flying high!

Nearly a full house.
We had to bug out in the seventh inning as our dog clock was running out.  The Indians would go on to beat the Marlins.  We got back to the campground and lit a campfire.  Ernie stayed with us as it is about three hours to the Columbus area from here.  So we reviewed many of our Loring photos, enjoyed a cold beer around the campfire and called it a night fairly early.

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