Thursday, September 1, 2016

31 Aug - Niagara Falls, Fort Niagara and Shoreline Lights

31 Aug
Today we drove to Rochester and dropper the dog off at Petsmart for a hair cut (badly needed).  They will keep her there until we are done touring for the day.  We did not want to have to cut this day short since we were going to Canada.

We took a two-lane road from Rochester to Niagara Falls which allowed us to see the countryside a bit.  It was slower but worth the time.  Our GPS led us right to the Canadian border crossing and after a few questions we were allowed across.  A few minutes later and $22.50 later we parked the truck and walked to the falls.  No admission fee here, but they gouge you on the parking.  Luckily it was not terribly busy, so we were able to park the truck away from everyone else on an end spot.

Doreen and I have both been to Niagara Falls more than once, but it is still a beautiful sight.  Amazing.  Again, we took a ton of pictures but will just post a few here:
Looking over the falls

Almost to the falls

At Horseshoe Falls

Looking down on the point where the water actually goes over the falls.

That water is really moving!!

Maid of the Mist from a distance
Notice they all have their poncho's on!
Maid of the Mist approaching Horseshoe Falls.

Horseshoe Falls, a beautiful sight

American Falls on the left and Bridal Falls on the right (from the Canadian side)

In the gift shop.  This is as close to a moose as Doreen is going to get on this trip!!

 There are several different tours you can take, including a look from behind the falls, but since we had been here before we opted out and decided to head to Fort Niagara State Park and the first lighthouse of today.

Fort Niagara Light

About 60 steps, but Doreen's knee is suffering so I did this one solo.  This light is not as well maintained as many that we have visited.  

The pedestal where the Fresnel lens used to sit.  The lens has been moved to the museum/gift shop now.

The lens
A view from the top, gift shop/museum in view

Looking northeast.

Looking northwest.  Part of Fort Niagara in view.
We then headed east along the Lake Ontario shore to Golden Hill State Park and the 30 Mile Point Lighthouse.  This is one of the best maintained lighthouses that we have seen on this entire trip.  Absolutely beautiful.  It is located right in a campground.  Of course I heard about that from Doreen - "Why didn't we camp here????"

You can rent the second floor of this lighthouse and actually stay overnight here!

Immaculately maintained.

A lighted tower that replaced the function of the lighthouse for a while.

Where they kept the oil.

The keepers uniform

The child's room

Dining area

Kitchen stove

The GE fridge

Washing the clothes

China cabinet in the dining room

A view from the top, looking east along the shore

Entrance to the stairs

Part of the old electric system that controlled the light, after it was electrified.

This lighthouse was featured on a US postage stamp.
Next stop, Braddock Point Light.  This one is closed to the public, but you can rent it and stay there as a bed and breakfast, apparently.  So this was just a drive-by
Braddock Point Light, from the street.

Also beautifully maintained, from a distance at least.
We then headed back to Rochester, picked up our freshly trimmed dog and headed back to the RV

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