Sunday, September 11, 2016

11 Sep - Rememberance. St Joseph MI Lighthouse, Visit to Jennifer's, Packing it up at Indiana Dunes

11 Sep
Today we remember 9-11-2001, along with the rest of the world, and we feel so fortunate to live in these great United States and enjoy the freedoms we have.

We are taking the grand kids back home today to daughter Jennifer's and son-in-law James, so we will visit a lighthouse at St Joseph MI on the way.  The St Joseph North Pier Lighthouse is also located on a breakwater and easily accessible. The City took ownership in 2013 and have been working the past three years to renovate it and the catwalk to how it looked in 1932
The lighthouse from a distance

The lighthouse and catwalk from the breakwater

Lucas and Lindsey 

This is all the further we could go

 After visiting the lighthouse we headed to Kalamazoo to meet Jennifer and James at Red Robin for lunch.  We then drove to the house they are currently renting and then drove to the house they are in the midst of buying.  After a short stay Doreen and I hit the road back to the RV so we could pack up in preparation for departure tomorrow.

We had made reservations at a campground in the middle of Illinois for tomorrow night, but after discussing it, we decided to drive on home tomorrow.  So, tonight is our last night for this trip.  We intended to have the Michigan grand kids place the Michigan stickers on our map, but we got busy and it never happened, so we took care of that tonight.
Doreen placed the Michigan sticker.

I added the Upper Peninsula portion of Michigan

As it stands today!  We have covered a lot of ground!
We will add another post hopefully tomorrow night with the final stats on this trip.  Next post from Norwalk Iowa!!

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