Tuesday, August 23, 2016

23 Aug - My Mom's Birthday, At Tree Farm Campground near Springfield VT

23 Aug
Wilma's birthday today.  She would have been 91 years old.  RIP mom.  That also means it is my birthday tomorrow!

Today we packed it up at Ernie and Rhonda Southers and headed down I-95 and then west through New Hampshire to Vermont and Tree Farm Campground, our 21st campground on this adventure. The route shown on the map above is incorrect.  We took I-95 south into New Hampshire, then west on 101 to Manchester, I-89 to Lebenon and finally  I-91 south to Springfield.  Pulling this big rig I like to stay on wide, four lane roads whenever possible, even when it means a few extra miles.
Goodbye Maine!!

Hello New Hampshire!

Hello Vermont!
Beautiful scenery from New Hampshire and through Vermont.

A rest stop in Vermont.  Green Mountains in the background.
We arrived at Tree Farm Campground after a snafu with the GPS (##%$@@#?!!).  You do not want to make mistakes dragging a "Condominium on Wheels" behind you.  Somehow we ended up in a residential area with narrow streets and a small radius cul de sac.  Through my skillful driving (LOL) we maneuvered out of there and got back on course.  A few minutes later we found the campground.  Tree Farm campground reminds me of many of the State Parks, however this is privately owned.  The pathways are narrow and surrounded by beautiful trees.  Nice for the eyes, but terrible to try to insert a 42 ft long fifth wheel RV into!!  Well, we got the job done without any damage to the trees or the fifth wheel!  It is a really nice place, calming and peaceful with tons of shade.
A little snug between the slides and the trees.

Plenty of room, yeah....

My dad would have said, "Ah, I could have driven a semi into that spot!"  Well, we are nearly as long and wide!!

Very nice!

Truck parked along the back of the RV
Very tall trees here.
 CMSgt (ret) Kenui Balutski was with us in Iraq and he retired not too far from here.  We hope to hook up with him while we are here.  Otherwise, we don't have a ton of plans.  We need a little relaxation time before we move on.  Our travels have been pretty hectic with not a lot of down time.  OBTW, we have WiFi at the camp spot, so here I am at the picnic table knocking it out!!  Yeah!

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