Saturday, August 13, 2016

13 Aug - Stonington ME and Pumpkin Island Light

13 Aug
Today was overcast with intermittent drizzle.  We decided to drive to Deer Island to see the sights.  Normally this would not have been that big a deal, but today is the fifth anniversary with Doreen's deer accident.  So it was her decision to go to Deer Island!

Stonington is the furthest town south on Deer Island.  It is a quaint little harbor town with shops and restaurants.  The area was settled in 1768 and became a town in 1897.  It is home to a fleet of more than 300 lobster boats.  The area brings in over $60 million in clams, herring and lobsters annually which is the highest for the State.  The granite quarries here provided the stone for John F. Kennedy's memorial at Arlington National Cemetery.

Nice, old buildings, well-preserved.

One of the shops had this lounger made out of lobster traps.  Neat, but where would we put it?

The harbor with a lobster boat coming in to unload 

The dock with a nice restaurant right there.

A little harbortown humor!

A monument honoring those who worked the granite quarries here.  This area is known internationally for Deer Island Granite.  

Colorful lobster trap bouys

A lobster boat unloading it's catch.  See the plastic containers being lowered down from above, and the waiting semi trailer.

An awesome, vintage Mobil gas station. 
After walking around in Stonington we paused for a little homemade ice cream and then headed northwest to find the Pumpkin Island Light.  This light is privately owned and not accessible to the public but can be seen from shore.
Pumpkin Island Light

Deer Isle-Sedgwick Bridge, built in 1939,  connects Deer Island with the Maine-land
Beautiful rock formations on the shore.  

Tide was out.  Normally all of these stone obstructions are submerged.  Very hard on the boat hull!!  Navigate carefully!
That's about it for today.  Tomorrow we will start the tear down process in preparation for departure Monday morning and the trip to Aroostook County, our "final destination!!  I want to wash the RV and get a few other things done here before we leave.  Hopefully the rain and drizzle will subside.

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