Sunday, August 21, 2016

21 Aug - Last Day at Loring Open House, Trolley Ride to Munitions Storage, Packing it Up

21 Aug
Today was the last day of the Loring Open House/Reunion.  We showed up at 08:30 to board the trolley and it departed at 09:00, so we had a few minutes to tour.
An old train car that pushed snow, which got VERY deep up here!

Well, our trolley showed up and we boarded and headed towards the old MSA (Munitions Storage Area) which is located on the Southwest side of Loring Air Force Base.  The MSA was completely off-limits and very tightly guarded when we were here because they stored conventional and nuclear weapons there.  Now that Loring is closed down, they are transforming it into a wildlife preserve.  It is normally located up but the gates were open today for visitors to see.  The old munitions storage bunkers are still there, but of course empty.

Our tour guide used to be stationed here and worked in the "bomb dump", so he was very knowledgeable of the area.

A munitions bunker where the conventional and nuclear weapons were stored.

Inside one of the munitions bunker building.


Where the Tritium fuses were stored, separate from the bombs.  Made to look like a regular building from overhead surveillance.  They even installed glass to make them look like windows.
Another bunker.

A defensive fighting position
 After our tour of the MSA concluded we drove around a bit more.
The commissary building

The Base Exchange (BX)
 So we said our farewells to Loring and headed back to the RV to start our tear down and pack process.  On the way we stopped to photograph this beautiful farm.  This is typical of what they looked like when we were here.  All of the buildings were interconnected so you did not have to go outside in the winter.

This is as close as Doreen got to a moose!

Loring, it was fun, but southbound we go tomorrow.  Overnight at Ernie Southers then to Vermont and westward towards Iowa.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting look of the buildings to camouflage them.
