Thursday, June 9, 2016

8-9 June - Cincinnati Reds Game, AF Museum Part II and Preparing to Depart

8 June
Today our friend from active duty Ernie Reid traveled over here from the Columbus OH area and we all attended a Cincinnati Reds vs St Louis Cardinals baseball game.

It was a beautiful evening for a game with temps in the 70's and clear sky's.
Panoramic from our seats.

It worked well that we were able to visit the stadium and take the tour previously.  We were familiar with parking, and accessing the stadium.  Doreen purchased a Major League Baseball Stadium "Passport" book.  We will get this stamped at every new stadium when we attend the game there.  The next one after this will be with the Pittsburgh Pirates on June 12th when they play the Cardinals.  Yep, this will be the third game in a row that we will be watching the St Louis Cardinals.  Since we are Chicago Cubs fans, that would seem ironic, but they do play great baseball and they have some really talented players, so we will enjoy watching them.

One nice thing the Red's Fan Services does is give first time attendees a nice certificate, suitable for framing!!

So we sampled the hotdogs and had a beer to wash it down.  We rate this dog better than Busch stadium.  We really liked the brown mustard and the dog was cooked perfectly with a just a bit of sauerkraut added!

9 June
We had breakfast with Ernie since he stayed at the (Bob) Hope Hotel here at Wright-Patterson AFB since we got back late from the game.  had we known he was going to stay he could have stayed with us in our condominium on wheels.  After breakfast we said our goodbyes.  There is a change Ernie will be joining us at Leeds, Maine when we camp there in August

The fourth building at the Air Force Museum opened on 8 June, so we wanted to tour it before we left.  It is a great addition.  They migrated the experimental and Presidential aircraft out of a hangar on Wright-Patterson into this new building so they are accessible to everyone, not just ID card holders.  Great displays of course.
Spacecraft are also included in this building.  This is the Apollo 15 module.

VZ-9AF Avrocar - looks like a flying saucer!

Doreen walking up to the Space Shuttle.


We took about 40 more pictures, but we cannot include them all here.  I was pleased to see some very nice displays that highlighted our enlisted Airmen and their achievements.
This is a display that would be similar to what our son-in-law James Buehner did in Afghanistan.

So in the afternoon, I headed back to Urgent Care.  I feel better but this stuff is not gone and I took the last of my antibiotic today.  After a visit with the doctor and a chest x-ray he confirmed I had (have) walking pneumonia.  Although it is just about gone, since we are "pulling chocks" and heading further east to the Pittsburgh PA area tomorrow, he prescribed another 7-day dose of antibiotic, just to be safe.  Boy, will I be glad when this stuff has cleared!!

While I was gone, Doreen had a good friend Monique Muncy drop by to see her.  Monique's husband Chris was the Air National Guard Command Chief in Washington DC.  He has since retired but we stay in touch and Doreen and Monique frequently exchange quilting ideas.  They both headed out to visit a quilt shop while I was gone and found some quilt projects to do.

Tomorrow we head to our next destination, Fox Den Acres Campgrounds near New Stanton PA.

1 comment:

  1. Glad you had good weather for the game and Ernie was able to see you guys. The ballpark passport book is neat and a good idea.
