Saturday, June 4, 2016

2-3 June - Slow start at Wright-Patterson AFB

2 Jun
Cold lingers.  Washed up both the RV and truck.  Doreen did housekeeping chores.  Did not seem like we got much else done, and that is OK.  Rest is good.  One thing we did do is our ceremonious update on the states visited map.  We were given this map by Maj Gen (Ret) Greg Schwab, my Iraq battle buddy and good friend.  We place a state when we first travel through it with the RV.  It will be very colorful before the end of this journey!  Ohio, check!

3 Jun
Cold not better so to urgent care again.  Changed antibiotic, albuterol breathing treatment, steroid shot "in the buttocks", cough med with codeine, percussive treatment.  ARG.  Lets hope this helps.  Back to the RV to rest and recuperate.  Cubs on TV.

Doreen has learned to "adapt and overcome" being on the road in the RV.  Panic set in when we ran out of her Warren County Fair award-winning salsa.  So, when camping we use the dutch oven.  No fire pits here, so this is her first batch of dutch oven salsa on the Camp Chef stove.  Muy bien!!

Many RVs leaving and others pulling into the campgrounds for the weekend.  As said before, there are many advantages of camping at military campgrounds, called  "fam camps".  One is you are at a facility that is secure with regular security force patrols.  Especially at the Air Force campgrounds, you get to hear "the sound of freedom - jet noise!  At others we heard the sound of the small arms "firing" range in the distance, likely our Defenders honing their skills or testing their qualifications.  You hear reveille and retreat, and at some the playing of taps in the evening.  Everyone including the children quickly learn to stop what they are doing, turn and face the music and render the appropriate honors.  It does not matter that you are retired or a civilian, you are expected to do this.  Now to some, these sounds may seem annoying or even distracting, but especially for those who have had the privilege to serve our great Nation and our citizens,  You learn to appreciate all these things.  Maybe that is why Old Glory and the Air Force flag go up immediately when we set up camp, and come down right before departing to the next site.

Another benefit to staying at fam camps is you are surrounded by folks with a common experience - military duty.  So this afternoon an elderly gentleman pulling into the spot next to ours with a well-worn Class C motorhome with Arizona plates.  I went over and introduced myself.  He was here to attend the ribbon-cutting on a new massive building addition to the Air Force Museum.  Later in the evening he was sitting outside in his lawn chain enjoying the sunset, so Doreen struck up a conversation and then I came out of the RV and joined.  There is not enough space in this blog to try to convey they story he told, but I must try.  This guy's name is MSgt (ret) Ronnie Catskill(?)".  He joined the Air Force in 1950 and retired in 1970, serving as a flight attendant.  OK, so what's the big deal about being a flight attendant?  Well, he flew DV's all around the country.  Presidents Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson and Nixon.  Secretary's.  Heads of State, and on and on.  His memory is a crisp as it was 50 years ago and cited specifics on flying the President of Vietnam to Paris to discuss the US's pending involvement in a war in his country.  He talked alot about Robert McNamara, our Secretary of Defense from 1961-1968.  Doreen and I both listened intently, wow what an experience!  I gave him one of my coins and since we were running out of daylight, made plans to get together tomorrow to look over his library of photos and documents.

There is a base lake within a short walk, stocked with trout but also full of panfish and bass.  We may throw in a line later in the week.
Nice fishing dock

Good size lake, maybe 40 acres or so.

Difficult to capture the clarity of the water.  Makes me want to throw on the scuba gear and have a look below!
That's it for now.  Tomorrow Ernie and Rhonda Reid will visit from the Columbus OH area and we will go out to eat with them.  Some of you may either know Ernie or may have met his at my military retirement ceremony.  We served together at Loring Air Force base from 1974-1977.

This coming week we will, at a minimum, visit the Air Force Museum again, and on the 8th attend a Cincinnati Reds baseball game and try to work in a tour of the stadium.


  1. Awesome as always! What a memorable trip!

  2. Can't imagine the stories you heard. Thats pretty cool and a memorable leg of the trip!! Hope you get to feeling better, and are able to enjoy.

  3. Your state map is getting colorful ..
