Monday, June 6, 2016

4-6 Jun Wright-Patterson, Air Force Museum

4 Jun
Ernie and Rhonda Reid visited from the Columbus area.  Ernie and I were stationed together at Loring Air Force Base, Maine (our August destination this year) when we were both on active duty.  We worked on long-haul high-frequency radio equipment manufactured by Collins Radio in Cedar Rapids IA.  I separated from active duty in 1977 and Ernie separated in 1978.  He joined the AF Reserves for a while but did not retire.  There is a whole group of us that were stationed together in Maine and we have maintained contact all these years.  It was great to see them.  We went out to eat and then they headed home.
 While we were gone there was a down pour and many areas were flooded.

5 Jun
Air Force Museum visit day!  My cold is still kicking my rear end and I ran out of gas early, so we only did two of the three buildings currently open.  They will open a fourth building on the 8th, so we will visit the third and fourth buildings likely Thursday before we leave for Pennsylvania on Friday.

Gorgeous day here!

We have been to the Air Force Museum twice before, but there is so much to see that it never gets old.  It would take days to see it all if you studied each display in detail.  The history here is incredible and they have done such a great job of capturing it.  I could post hundreds of airplane pictures, but here are a few others too
The Wright Brothers

Observation balloons.

YMQ-9 Reaper for our RPA buds!

For our ground-powered AGE buds!

Aircrew Flight Equipment - saved many lives.
Enigma machine for our comm/crypto comrades!
185th - the Bats!
Med Group, we got you covered!

Enormous 50th anniversary quilt.  Awesome!

Beautiful nose art!

A-7D aircraft like we had in Des Moines years ago.

I served under 15 of the 17 Chief Master Sergeants of the Air Force.  The only two that preceded me were CMSAF Paul Airey (#1) and CMSAF Don Harlow (#2).  Doreen says I belong in a museum!
6 Jun - D-Day and my sister's birthday
Took it easy today.  Cold still persists.  we had to relocate sites because of a scheduling snafu here in the campgrounds.  That consumed most of the morning.  We headed out to a Tex-Mex restaurant called "Chuys" for lunch and then back to the campgrounds to relax.  I fished the local lake a bit but only a few bite.

Tomorrow hopefully we will tour the Cincinnati Reds ballpark.

1 comment:

  1. Air Force Museum looks nice! Kids enjoyed looking at the pictures. Too bad you had to move?!
